
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 7 - Budget Brewing Ft. Emma Partlow
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
On this episode we check in with the team on what we’ve been brewing up since last episode before diving into our main topic for the week -- brewing on a budget. We welcome special guest, the one and only Emma Partlow, to the show to discuss some of the best ways to cut costs in a deck, how to evaluate budget replacements for expensive cards, and how we approach brewing if we know we’ll be pushing up against monetary or Tix rental limits.
Deck lists from today's episode:
Arun's Bant Erayo - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3612245#online
Arun's Temur Kinnan Breach - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3606846#online
Brian's Sultai Whirza - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/1e705bd0-ebfe-4bfd-8a4e-101e9a068fa4
Zach's Mono RAD Artifacts - https://www.streamdecker.com/deck/SUEZqQi1v
Where to find Emma:
The BM Cast - https://thebmcast.fireside.fm/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmmzyne
TCG Player: https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/author/Emma-Partlow
Find us on Twitter: @SerumVisionsMTG
Email us: serumvisionspod@gmail.com
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7TrmwYh

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 6 - What We Brew in the Shadows
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
In this episode we discuss the process of brewing with Lazav, where we started, and where we ended up. After that we’ll take a step back from brewing this week to discuss our process, how we think about brewing, and what we hope to achieve when we’re brewing.
Deck lists from today's episode:
Arun's UG Erayo Prison - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3453713#online
Arun's 4c Lazav - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3538756#online
Arun's Grixis Lazav - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3538754#online
Brian's Grixis Skelemental Lazav - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/0c23f234-ca46-4584-9c32-a5c9ec4eca4d
Brian's Grixis Lazav (No Skelemental) - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/12b14139-ca70-437e-91cc-7d9837b94128
Brian's Sultai Lazav - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/2f01cd25-3458-428e-b965-9a861e206301
Zach's Lazav 1.0 - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/ee4674f9-714c-4631-93e9-133d07f0d36f
Zach's Lazav 2.0 - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/0e3e3fab-8886-49ab-993e-679666ceb017
Find us on Twitter: @SerumVisionsMTG
Email us: serumvisionspod@gmail.com
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7TrmwYh

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 5 - Project Lazav
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
This week we discuss the results from our Taxes and Hate Bears lists, what we liked and didn’t, and how we might improve our lists going forward. After that we’ll dive into a new project, Project Lazav, where we’ll take a detailed look at the Dimir Mastermind, looking at where he has seen past success, evaluating his strengths and weaknesses, and brainstorming potential homes for the wily Shapeshifter.
Decklists from today's episode:
Arun's Emry Taxes - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3538752#paper
Arun's Grixis Lazav - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3538754#online
Brian's Esper Hate Bears - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/d320c93c-6c46-4d0d-891b-334eae05d547
Find us on Twitter: @SerumVisionsMTG
Email us: serumvisionspod@gmail.com
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7TrmwYh

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 4 - Project Prison, Part II
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
In this episode we check in on the prison brews from last episode, talk about some fun or interesting prison interactions we found that show potential, and discuss possible changes to our lists. We’ll circle back to Project Urza again for a quick check in on a list Brian has had some success with before diving deeper into the Prison archetype by brewing up some hate bears and taxes lists.
Link to the Serum Visions Discord: https://discord.gg/7TrmwYh
Note: Apologies for the audio issues in this episode. We're aware of a few dead spots and Brian sounding slightly off. These should be fixed for next time. :)
Read the rest of this entry »

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 3 - Project Prison
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
In this episode we follow up with the results from our leagues with Monastery Mentor and check in on any Urza brews. After that we open the books on our next project, Project Prison. The Prison archetype is a highly polarized, time honored archetype with many avenues for exploration. In this episode we’ll look at the history of the Prison Archetype in multiple formats, look at what tools and techniques are used to lock an opponent out, and brew up some spicy new prison decks for testing.
Decklists from Episode 3:
Arun's Erayo Mentor - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3272475#online
Arun's 5 Color Mentor - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3390564#online
Arun's 4 Color Unearth Mentor - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3348658#online
Brian's Mardu Mentor (Pioneer) - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/d61a3b43-dc60-47de-baf6-3e2b68dfbfa4
Brian's Grixis Turbo Whirza - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/06ae12fb-2279-476c-b1f1-9cf1bd54fc38
Zach + Arun's Sonic Pyro Prison - http://www.streamdecker.com/deck/RR_RtxVhA
Zach's RW Seismic Loam Prison - http://www.streamdecker.com/deck/l0wTGA-gn
Libor and Taxes RW Prison - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3363235#online

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 2 - Project Mentor
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
In this episode we check in on the field tests for Project Urza, discussing our deck lists from Episode 1 -- what worked, what didn’t, and where we plan to take Urza next. After that it’s back to the lab where we’ll open our next project, Project: Mentor. Monastery Mentor is one of few cards that occupy space on the Vintage Restricted list due to power level, but see little to no play in other eternal formats. We’ll look at the history of Monastery Mentor in competitive play, examine what conditions are necessary to make the card playable, and cook up some Mentor brews.
Decklists From Episode 2:
- Mr. Raeb's Urza Chalice Deck - https://twitter.com/MrRaeb/status/1305222429023891458?s=20
- Blastoids Bant Urza 5-0 deck - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/mtgo-standings/modern-league-2020-09-11#blastoids_-
- Chaba_lol 5-0 Mono White equipment deck - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/mtgo-standings/modern-league-2020-09-11#chaba_lol_-
- Rainkratos 5-0 Mono White equipment deck - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/mtgo-standings/modern-league-2020-09-11#rainkratos_-
- Brian's UW Urza Blade - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/ddb2426f-91fc-41c8-af19-c06f454c25af
- Brian's UB Urzaffinity - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/35da875c-4479-4dd8-adde-6c324a27408f
- Arun's 5 color Greedy Mentor - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3390564#online
- Arun's 5-0 Bant Mentor Pile - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3312084#online
- Arun's Turbo Arayo - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3272475#online
If you like what you're hearing, tweet at us @SerumVisionsMTG, email us at serumvisionspod@gmail.com.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Serum Visions: Episode 1 - Project Urza
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Serum Visions is a Magic: The Gathering podcast about iterative brewing. Each episode we work on a project -- a deck, strategy, or archetype that we think has room for exploration -- and brew to the fringes of competitive deck building.
For our first Project we try to give new life to an old friend. Urza, Lord High Artificer hasn’t been doing so hot in the modern leagues or challenges lately. We’ll go deep, exploring the history of Urza decks in modern, examining what made them powerful, and questioning why they’ve fallen from the top tables. With a solid foundation under us, we’ll see if we can rebuild the Urza decks. We’ll take some brews into the queues to find out.
Deck Lists from Episode 1:
- Bant Urza by hcook725 - August 29th Modern Challenge 1st Place - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/mtgo-standings/modern-challenge-2020-08-30#hcook725
- WUG by flankattack27 - Modern League 5-0 List - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3321483
Arun's Lists:
- 4c Yorion Kinnan Uroza Blade - https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/3272977
Brian's Lists:
- UB Urzaffinity - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/35da875c-4479-4dd8-adde-6c324a27408f
- UW Whirza Blade - https://scryfall.com/@untwisted/decks/ddb2426f-91fc-41c8-af19-c06f454c25af